Sisterhood of The Travelling Genes
Alexandrea Philip
I recently completed my Master’s thesis in Architecture. The question that I attempt to answer in my architectural exploration is: what defines kind architecture and what is its validity in the architectural field? How can architecture create a supportive environment to investigate transgenerational trauma and its epigenetic modifications in immigrants? To do this, I start looking at biology and behaviour’s role in transgenerational trauma’s transference. What I found was a specific gene indicating that mothers and children from the ages of 4-16 years old are particularly vulnerable,[i] creating a set demographic to programmatically design for. For the site, New York was chosen due to the sensitive political climate. Architectural solutions are linked to an accumulation of trauma symptoms, including intrapersonal and interpersonal affecters.[ii] Further, cognitive behavioural therapy becomes the fulcrum of the solution: using communication through activities and meditation to help the individual process their thoughts, dismantle lay perceptions and social factors to break the negative cycle that promotes the longevity of PTSD and transgenerational trauma transference.[iii] The best environment to achieve this therapeutic model is through multi-level interactions which include varying calibers of privacy.[iv] Kind architecture is explored as a methodology, revealing public libraries and community centres to be an adequate architectural match to offer a diversity of social interaction that can be encouraged and suggested (rather than enforced). Within Washington Square Park exists the same interventions that allow for diverse levels of communication. However, immigrants tend to feel uncomfortable in large open spaces, especially in New York’s harsh winters.[v] After justifying a public library as a safe shelter, a further analysis of the surrounding programs further strengthens the site as a potential incubator for further research: most buildings around the East side of Washington Square Park are currently focusing on cultural trauma and the myriad ways to reverse it, particularly between the mother and the child. The research then postulates that a community centre with a public library integration is the best approach to transgenerational trauma therapy. The goal is to create a space for linguistic support, but also exposure to the multitude of cultural expression between occupants: similar to cognitive behavioural therapy and exposure therapy, one can create architectural strategies to bond relationships and encourage interaction between those who would otherwise be struggling on their own. The proposed architecture would incorporate private therapy rooms, group therapy areas, kitchen and dining areas, and two libraries.
Working at FSA for the past few years allowed me to gain the responsibility and skills to to flourish in this field confidently. Working with small renovations and better equipment implementation at clinics brought forward the importance of detail within not just healthcare architecture, but every project.
[i] M. Austin Argentieri et al., “Epigenetic Pathways in Human Disease: The Impact of DNA Methylation on Stress-Related Pathogenesis and Current Challenges in Biomarker Development - ScienceDirect,” accessed December 11, 2019,
[ii] Rachel Yehuda and Amy Lehrner, “Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma Effects: Putative Role of Epigenetic Mechanisms - Yehuda - 2018 - World Psychiatry - Wiley Online Library,” accessed December 11, 2019,
[iii] Damien A Dowd, “Neurology and Trauma: Impact and Implications,” n.d., 28.
[iv] “Participation and Wellbeing in Urban Greenspace_ ‘Curating Sociability’ for Refugees and Asylum Seekers | Elsevier Enhanced Reader,” accessed December 11, 2019,
[v] “Participation and Wellbeing in Urban Greenspace_ ‘Curating Sociability’ for Refugees and Asylum Seekers | Elsevier Enhanced Reader.”